The Conduct Exam App - Online Exam Application

There is a penetrated influence of mobile in almost all the spheres of life making it more better and faster. Mobiles and Smart phones provide a better and more engaging way of imparting education. The number of mobile users, today, is greater than the number of desktop users! The mobile apps have become one of the most ubiquitous means of technological interaction. Mobile applications are available round the clock. One can carry them anywhere, anytime.
With a view to provide mobile based education solution for Indian students and with the growing android market, The Conduct Exam software comes along the Mobile App that is available with our online exam software (web based version) for lifetime basis. The Conduct Exam software has launched an app both for Androidand iPhone users that enables students to prepare for exams at their finger tips over their mobile phones.
It provides the user with with a personalized experience.
The Conduct Exam mobile app provide the user with smart and systematic learning process.
The students can Register & Login with social media google plus and Facebook.
Users can take test in online mode or can download the test and then take in offline mode. The test and results will be synchronized with the web version.
Detailed graphical reports to analyze the performance of students. Mobile devices provide detailed metrics and data that can lead to instantaneous assessment and feedback on whether or not students are meeting educational goals.
Download the notes and solutions provided.
Student Can Get Updated news by push notification in mobile app.
Buy the different test series if any available by admin.
Student can Bookmark the question and check the solution for test if added by admin.
Study material is available from the admin side inside the app(Document & Video) Material.
Student can send the feedback from app itself.
The ConductExam Mobile App comes with all the above listed features for the users thus opening a new horizon in the field of education and online exams.